
A website dedicated to the promotion of Tulane University Baseball

Tulane vs Bethune-Cookman

2006 Oxford Regional

This is a temporary page until I get home


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20+ pictures now, more later

whoooo's there? Cat Mac
Paco Cat and Emo Mohl, Everett, and gang
Emaus McFadden Emaus
Billy Mohl Mohl Mohl
Wallace, hbp Cat Wallace scores
Hullabaloo Ray Ray McFadden Cat scores
Everett and Riser Southard bunts congrats
McFadden scores another HULLABALOO  
Everett Hamilton Henry
Everett Southard Everett scores
another Hullabaloo Emaus McFadden
McFadden Timmy Guidry Riser
Guidry knocks out the ball SAFE!
Guidry congrats Barto Goebel
double play! Goebel Goebel

Team congrats